Essential Oil Education You Can Trust

You’ve just tapped into a pool of essential oil knowledge. Discover articles, courses, diagrams and other materials developed by multi-disciplinary experts to help you find the safest and best use of essential oils to enhance well-being.

You shouldn’t miss

Aromatic Chemistry

In this seven lesson course, Dr. Joy Bowles, scientist and essential oil educator, will take you down the wonderful rabbit hole of organic chemistry – all the way down to the molecular level – and illustrate in understandable terms how and why essential oils are able to deliver therapeutic effects.

Materia Aromatica EO Research database

The Tisserand Institute team sifted through hundreds of research papers to identify the highest quality evidence for each of the oils featured in our unique essential oil profiles database. We spent hours distilling the information so that you can take advantage of it in minutes. High-level overview as well as detailed analysis and links to primary sources all at your fingertips.

Study Essential Oils Online with Robert Tisserand and the Tisserand Institute Expert Instructors

Study all the aspects of essential oils and essential oil safety with Robert Tisserand and the Tisserand Institute team of instructors. With expertise at every level, we offer courses for everyone.

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This was the first time I felt I could grasp any part of chemistry, so many, many thanks! 3D models were crucial for understanding concepts. Really helpful to apply to EO deeper understanding and chemical constituents I see again and again. Only thing I’d like is to see a 3D tinker toy demo of a chemical reaction in action between molecules, to see exactly how electrons are exchanged, shared, lost, double bonds are broken, etc. (maybe two people needed for the interactive exercise!)

I would just like to thank Robert and Hana for making EO training available to all.

I appreciated the passion that was put into the course. I stumbled across this by chance and I am so thankful I did. This has expanded my passion and knowledge about formulations. It has enhanced my learning about essential oils. I just want to thank you for offering this course and all that you do. I feel so confident having your institute as my education platform. I am a beginner but feel confident with your amazing education that it wont be long before I am a pro!!

I found it to be inspiring! Whilst being very informative and in depth, I was constantly engaged and wanted to do more. I am a level 3 Aromatherapist in the UK and doing this course made me appreciate how much more there is to learn and know and makes me want to learn more and more! It is such a huge subject and there is a lot of misinformation around. The teaching level here makes me confident that I am being given the correct information and learning at the highest level. Thank you. I am looking forward to the next course.

Good introduction to essential oils. Enjoyed learning about the growth of plants, distillation, and evaluation of the oils. Information was presented efficiently and clearly.





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