Essential Oil Dilution Chart
Safety and dilution are inextricably linked.
Knowing how to calculate dilutions is crucial to the safe practice of aromatherapy.
It’s not enough to simply say “dilute before use on the skin”—this is insufficient information. You need to know which dilutions are safe and how to calculate them. With that information, you can use a chart like this to guide accurate dilution.

Here are a few key specific oils that have special dilution needs.
To avoid the risk of skin allergy:
- Clove bud oil should be used at no more than 0.5%
- Holy Basil oil can be used at up to 1%
To avoid the risk of phototoxicity:
- Lemon oil should be used at no more than 2%
- Grapefruit oil can be used at up to 4%
Essential Calculation Class
You love essential oils, and you got hooked into aromatherapy – but nobody told you there will be math. Join Hana Tisserand as she guides you through calculations and conversions with ease, giving you simple tools and making sure you get it, so you will never again have to ask: “How many drops is that?”