The Tisserand Institute is made up not just of our tutors and core team, but also an incredible body of passionate students who come from all over the world. We want to give them the floor to share their stories and their experience with us.
Jackie Glinkie is a certified aromatherapist currently living in Florida. Her interest in scents began with a collection of perfume bottles from her parents, and continued to come back to fragrance and essential oils. After she was able to help her daughter’s anxiety with essential oils, she decided to get to the bottom of things. We’re very lucky that, on her journey to learn she joined the Tisserand Institute – and stayed for many classes! You can find her at Infinite Aromatics website, on social media, or in one of our courses.
Rachel Andorfer conducted the interview below with Jackie. Captions have been edited and you can turn them on or off as you prefer.