by Hana Tisserand | Oct 30, 2017
Why using carrier oils is a really good idea. Wanna know more about how essential and vegetable oils interact with the skin? Here’s a webinar series with Robert Tisserand.
by Hana Tisserand | Oct 27, 2017
Bitter orange oil alleviates anxiety of drug users in withdrawal! A new controlled, randomized clinical trial investigated the potential of Bitter orange oil (Citrus aurantium L.) to reduce anxiety in patients going through crack cocaine withdrawal. The abstinence...
by Hana Tisserand | Oct 6, 2017
Aromatherapy can make colonoscopy easy-er! No medical examination is exactly a pleasure, but colonoscopy for sure ranks among the least enjoyable ones. A just-published Japanese research study examined the effects of aromatherapy on anxiety and abdominal discomfort...
by Hana Tisserand | Sep 22, 2017
Lemon essential oil can help with “morning sickness” A 2014 controlled, double blind randomized clinical trial aimed to determine the effect of inhaled Lemon essential oil on nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. 100 pregnant women (6-16 weeks) with moderate nausea and...
by Hana Tisserand | May 15, 2017
This shows the range of recommended topical dilutions of essential oils for children of different ages, according to Essential Oil Safety 2e. These are general guidelines, and there can be exceptions when lower (or higher) dilution is appropriate, or where an oil...
by Hana Tisserand | Mar 11, 2017
“Aromatherapy is really a collection of different ways of using essential oils, which are only loosely related. So there is skin care, there is psychological, there is environmental hygiene, and there is medicine. Many of them have connections, but really they...