Bitter orange: same plant, three different oils

Bitter orange: same plant, three different oils plant can yield different essential oils, depending on which part is used for extraction. Neroli, Bitter orange and Petitgrain all come from Citrus x. aurantium. Their composition varies, but their properties are...
GC-MS analysis: what it can and cannot do

GC-MS analysis: what it can and cannot do

We asked Alexis St-Gelais, one of the founders of Phytochemia, to shed some light on gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS). He covers the basics, and then examines in detail what GC-MS can… and can’t do. Providing a GC-MS analysis is rapidly...
The Rose Otto Myth – busted

The Rose Otto Myth – busted

Is Rose otto the most complex of all essential oils? Not really, although it does make it into the top 10. Rose oil (Rose otto) has enjoyed the reputation of being the most complex essential oil known, as it was presumed it has more than 300 compounds. A recent report...
Grapefruit oil and medication

Grapefruit oil and medication

Doctors warn against consuming Grapefruit juice if you take certain types of medication, such as statins, which are metabolized by the CYP3A4 enzyme. Grapefruit juice inhibits this enzyme so the liver produces less of it, and this affects the action of those drugs...
Carcinogenic essential oils?

Carcinogenic essential oils?

Are there any carcinogenic essential oils? There are carcinogenic essential oil constituents. These include asarone, estragole (methyl chavicol), safrole and methyleugenol. Both estragole and methyleugenol are found in Basil leaves and they are quite concentrated in...