GC-MS analysis: what it can and cannot do

GC-MS analysis: what it can and cannot do

We asked Alexis St-Gelais, one of the founders of Phytochemia, to shed some light on gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS). He covers the basics, and then examines in detail what GC-MS can… and can’t do. Providing a GC-MS analysis is rapidly...
All the different chamomiles

All the different chamomiles

Chamomiles can be confusing! Have you ever been puzzled with names of different Chamomile oils? Terms like “Blue chamomile” and “Moroccan Chamomile” may refer to quite different essential oils. That’s why we have botanical names of...
Helichrysum – different species

Helichrysum – different species

Not all helichrysums are created equal – today we compare the three species that are most commonly used for essential oil production. The best known and most sought-after species is Helichrysum italicum. Also known as Immortelle or curry plant, this tiny shrub...
CO2 extracts – what are they and how they are made

CO2 extracts – what are they and how they are made

CO2 extracts – what are they and why are they useful? These extracts are made by passing carbon dioxide through aromatic plant material. The CO2 is in a “supercritical” state, meaning it has the properties of both a liquid and a gas. This is because...
Processing of aromatic plants

Processing of aromatic plants

Did you know aromatic plants are processed in many different ways? This infographic offers an overview of the most common processes to get aromatic material, which is used in aromatherapy, perfumery and food industry.