Bitter orange: same plant, three different oils

Bitter orange: same plant, three different oils plant can yield different essential oils, depending on which part is used for extraction. Neroli, Bitter orange and Petitgrain all come from Citrus x. aurantium. Their composition varies, but their properties are...
Lavender promotes trust

Lavender promotes trust

New research: Lavender aroma promotes interpersonal trust A 2015 controlled study of 90 healthy young adults investigated whether trust can be influenced by an environmental fragrance. The hypothesis was that a calming scent will induce a more inclusive state of mind,...
The Rose Otto Myth – busted

The Rose Otto Myth – busted

Is Rose otto the most complex of all essential oils? Not really, although it does make it into the top 10. Rose oil (Rose otto) has enjoyed the reputation of being the most complex essential oil known, as it was presumed it has more than 300 compounds. A recent report...
“Tasting” garlic through your feet and aromatherapy

“Tasting” garlic through your feet and aromatherapy

How is the “taste garlic with your feet” experiment relevant to aromatherapy? Did you know you can taste garlic through your feet? Try it. Just rub some fresh garlic on the soles of your feet and wait a while. You should be able to taste it in your mouth and smell it...
How big is a drop?

How big is a drop?

How big is a drop of essential oil? And how many drops are there in 1ml? When calculating percentages, this is important to know! In three empirical investigations dating from 1999, 2000 and 2016, 1, 25 and 23 different essential oils were assessed using 3 – 7...