The Tisserand Institute is not just its tutors and core team, but also an incredible body of passionate students who come from all over the world. We want to give them the floor to share their stories and their experience with us.
Renata Sampaio is a Portuguese pharmacist, aromatherapy educator and a contributor to the Tisserand Institute. You can read her research reports in our newsletters, and she’s working on our Materia Aromatica essential oil profiles reviewing research. And you can follow her teaching on her Instagram profile HERE (in Portuguese).
With her scientific background she was looking for accurate information that would help her understand how essential oils work so she could advise the clients in her pharmacy. She jumped right into our Diploma in Aromatic Science.
“I love studying and I truly needed something more than just a single class. So I was searching for the courses inside Tisserand Institute. The diploma appeared and I said, okay, I have to do this. It truly changed the way I perceived aromatherapy, because I, I am now more cautious with the usage of essential oils because I understand the science behind it.”
The interview was conducted by Rachel Andorfer. Captions have been added, and you can turn them on or off as you prefer.