The Blog

SARS-CoV-2, Essential Oils and In Silico Studies

SARS-CoV-2, Essential Oils and In Silico Studies

You probably know the difference between in vitro and in vivo research. The in vitro model is laboratory-based; experiments occur in test tubes or Petri dishes. The in vivo model, in contrast, uses living organisms (animals or humans) to test the actions of molecules...

Unwell – a documentary on essential oils

Unwell – a documentary on essential oils

Episode 1 of Unwell, a new documentary series on Netflix, is called Essential Oils, and sets out to look at the good and the bad in the wellness industry. It’s not so often that essential oils get such thorough media coverage, but when they do, it’s not without a...

Aromatherapy for Everyone

Aromatherapy for Everyone

by Hana Tisserand It’s been three weeks since the death of George Floyd sparked a global reckoning of the state of our societies. Are we living in a just world? And if not, how are we going to make that a reality? I have spent those three weeks listening and reading...

Covid-19 and unfounded claims

Covid-19 and unfounded claims

by Robert Tisserand I have always believed that it is important for aromatherapy to move out of the realm of “quack medicine” and to be established as a viable modality. It is really not helpful to this process when claims are made for essential oils that have no...

Essential Oils and the Immune System: Q&A with Dr. Petra Ratajc

Essential Oils and the Immune System: Q&A with Dr. Petra Ratajc

Do essential oils influence our immune system directly? Dr. Ratajc answered this question during her Essential Oil Kinetics Masterclass in April 2020, and we thought you might find her answer interesting. Please note that this is related to physiological effects - not...

Essential Oils and Coronaviruses

Essential Oils and Coronaviruses

Shannon Becker, PhD RA On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 – a virus that was first seen in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and subsequently appeared in virtually every country in the world. The designation means...

Consuming essential oils responsibly

Consuming essential oils responsibly

by Natalie Miller It's been quite some time since we asked Natalie Miller, an incredible aromatherapy professional and a great and gracious woman, to share her thoughts on the phenomenon of collecting essential oils. Between then and now, a lot of time has passed, and...

conference reports
essential oils

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