Michael Hinch: When I meet people, they say “where do you get all the knowledge from?” I say “The Tisserand Institute, go and take the course!”

by | Aromatherapy, General, Personal Profile

The Tisserand Institute is made up not just of our tutors and core team, but also an incredible body of passionate students who come from all over the world. We want to give them the floor to share their stories and their experience with us.

Michael Hinch is an aromatherapist and formulator based in Dublin, Ireland. In his community he is known as the purveyor of muscle rubs for cyclists and other athletes, and of a “botox alternative” cream for his wife and her friends. He talked to Rachel about how the Tisserand Institute courses made his formulation more focused and reliable, which in turn means people keep coming back for his consistently great products.

He shared how much he appreciates the direct access to all the tutors – as no questions are left unanswered. This makes him confident in the knowledge he then shares with others, which is exactly what we hope will happen. There is a lot more Michael shares in the interview!

Rachel Andorfer conducted the interview below with Michael. Captions have been edited and you can turn them on or off as you prefer.


  1. excellent interview and i completely agree. tisserand courses are the best. in addition, every time i take a course again, i get new information i missed the last time i took the course.

  2. michael thank you for your interview. I agree each instructor is so willing to explain and answer any question that arises during the course of the classes. The forums are invaluable. Kudos to you for speaking up when you encounter inaccurate information. it is so interesting to see how someone on the other side of the world is using Essential oils. We come from different backgrounds, with different specializations but the research-based information is the same foundation for each of us.Blessings


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