Quote: Risk vs benefit

Quote: Risk vs benefit

Essential oil use is always a careful balance between potential risks and benefits. The principle of the therapeutic window helps in finding this balance. The therapeutic window is the difference between the lowest dose or dilution that we know is effective, and the...
Self treatment || Quote

Self treatment || Quote

“We must realize that self-treatment, although it has its place, also has its limitations. Do treat yourself for simple, common ailments, but for any long-term, or deep-seated problem, seek professional advice.” ~ Robert Tisserand, The Art of...
Stimulating your sense of smell

Stimulating your sense of smell

“The best way to stimulate your sense of smell is simply to use it more – be more conscious of smells – find out for yourself which plants around you are aromatic; see if you can tell subtle differences in odor, such as aniseed and fennel (with your...
Diffusion guidelines

Diffusion guidelines

Safety guidelines for diffusion: “Intermittent diffusion is much more effective, as well as being safer, than continuous diffusion. Intermittent means 30-60 minutes on, then 30-60 minutes off. This is because our body, especially our nervous system, habituates...
What is aromatherapy?

What is aromatherapy?

“Aromatherapy is really a collection of different ways of using essential oils, which are only loosely related. So there is skin care, there is psychological, there is environmental hygiene, and there is medicine. Many of them have connections, but really they...