by Hana Tisserand | Jun 30, 2017
New research: Inhalation of essential oil blend significantly increases quality of life and sleep quality. A 2017 randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of aromatherapy and acupressure massage on the quality of life in career women. 132 participants...
by Hana Tisserand | Mar 14, 2017
Safety guidelines for diffusion: “Intermittent diffusion is much more effective, as well as being safer, than continuous diffusion. Intermittent means 30-60 minutes on, then 30-60 minutes off. This is because our body, especially our nervous system, habituates...
by Tisserand Institute | Jan 17, 2017
An answer to a frequently asked question: When to use inhalation, and when to apply essential oils topically? For more detailed information, why not sign up for the free Tisserand Institute mini-course, How Essential Oils Work in the Body? How Essential Oils Work in...