Single Classes
Our single classes are quick and yet deep dives into their various topics and allow you to sample the teaching styles of our tutors while also learning. Our “singles” are always available, can be re-visited as often as you need, and we also have various bundle options. Sample the quality of Tisserand training in bite-sized chunks!
“Where do I begin?” bundle is a collection of single classes we believe benefit everyone regardless of their level of interest in essential oils, but especially those who are starting to discover them.
Includes: Fundamentals of Essential Oil Therapy, Oxidation and Shelf-Life of Essential Oils, and Essential Calculation
Our “Everything” bundle includes all of our single classes for a special price. Enjoy all 7 classes for and start learning with the Tisserand Institute tutors. Whether you’re here only for the focused insights or to sample our teaching style before you dive into one of our courses full time, we hope you’ll be inspired!

The “3 for 2” bundle let’s you choose three single classes for the price of two. Want to focus on creating your own products? Lise Andersen’s singles are here for you. Research and science is more of your jam? Pick from our resident doctor’s offerings. Choose your own aromatic adventure!
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What determines the composition of an essential oil? Why are essential oils so complex? An “essential oil” is the liquid that is distilled (or expressed) from a plant. This class is a dive into what happens before we harvest aromatic plants to create essential oils. Petra looks at why and how plants create volatile compounds that form their essential oils, and explains what determines both the similarities and the variations in different oils.
Tutor: Petra Ratajc, PhD
You love essential oils, and you got hooked into aromatherapy, but nobody told you there will be math. And looking at all the ratios, percentages, milliliters, drops, dilutions and charts can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Join Hana Tisserand as she guides you through calculations and conversions with ease, giving you simple tools and making sure you get it, so you will never again have to ask: “How many drops is that?”
Tutor: Hana Tisserand

Hands – perhaps our most essential tools, and yet they are often neglected. Whether it’s spring gardening, washing with soap, sanitizing with high-alcohol gloop, our hands can quickly become parched, sensitive and inflamed. Extremes of weather – hot, cold, dry or humid – all of them challenge the barrier function of our skin. With an essential oil blend devised by Robert Tisserand, our Fresh Lavender Hand Rescue Bar is easy to make, and even easier to keep and use.
Tutor: Lise Andersen
This entry-level class brings you all you need to know before you get serious about essential oils. Whether you were introduced to them by a friend or just keep hearing about their amazing properties. Hana will help you build a solid foundation. What exactly are essential oils? Are they safe or dangerous? Who uses them and why? Which oils to get to begin with? You can trust Hana Tisserand to distill the information you need.
Tutor: Hana Tisserand

Is it possible to make safe cosmetics in a home environment? Can you make high quality products on a small scale? How do you keep track of all the ingredients, and store them to prevent waste? Knowing how to prepare the area for production is key to creating consistent quality. Lise Andersen is here to address all the questions and help you create your own standards so you can make consistent safe and high quality products.
Tutor: Lise Andersen
Do you want to check a claim for an essential oil, or look for new evidence in a specific area? There are many reasons we turn to published research. This class will equip you with enough understanding of how research is conducted, reported and critiqued, to assess the quality and relevance of the document you are reading. Dr Joy will empower you to become the detective – building your case, evaluating the evidence, and then coming to a conclusion.
Tutor: Joy Bowles, PhD

Do some essential oils improve with age? What is a “still note”? Can an essential oil oxidize if it is also an antioxidant? How do I know if an essential oil has oxidized? Robert Tisserand explains how oxidation impacts both safety and efficacy, how to best protect your oils from oxidation, and what to do once they have oxidized. Included is a printable handout with the shelf lives of most commonly used essential oils.
Tutor: Robert Tisserand