Aromatherapy blend inhalation for better quality of life

Aromatherapy blend inhalation for better quality of life

New research: Inhalation of essential oil blend significantly increases quality of life and sleep quality. A 2017 randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of aromatherapy and acupressure massage on the quality of life in career women. 132 participants...
Essential oil mythbusters #2

Essential oil mythbusters #2

At the Tisserand Institute we believe that essential oils can do many wonderful things, but their proclaimed benefits should be rooted in solid science. The second series of myths busted are ones that talk about the powers (or lack of thereof) of individual essential...
Lavender hydrosol – proven remedy for centuries

Lavender hydrosol – proven remedy for centuries

Today’s spotlight is on lavender hydrosol Lavender water, or hydrosol, has been used for centuries, and is mentioned in Nicolas Culpeper’s Herbal, written in 1652: “Two spoonfuls of distilled water of lavender help them that have lost their voice, the tremblings...