by Lauren Bridges, with thanks to Christine Carson, PhD, and Hana Belikova for their input We live in a world of quick fixes and proclaimed miracle cures, and essential oils have not escaped the proclivity people have in identifying the next magic bullet. Today, as we...
by Ginger L. Moore The online aromatherapy community has been overflowing with DIY recipes for anything from facial creams to home sanitizing sprays. The push to “do it yourself” is seen everywhere, personal care products included. Those who extol the virtues of the...
by Sue Pace A newborn baby girl lies swaddled in a receiving blanket in her isolette. While she has ten fingers and ten toes, rosebud lips, and a great shock of dark hair, this baby somehow doesn’t look or act ’right’. Weighing only 6 lbs (2722 g) at...
Part one: history, meeting sustainability challenges, quality control and psychodermatology by Robert Tisserand Sustainability is now a major challenge for many essential oil-bearing crops, and the growth of aromatherapy has exacerbated the problem. This especially...